Thursday, April 22, 2010

Madelynn Lorene

This is the PhotoStory I put together for the worship service we had in honor of Madelynn. Jason put together an amazing worship experience that was held April 10th. There was no other way to honor her than to worship our Lord. I'll tell you more about that later. This photostory came from the deep regret I had that I didn't have pictures of us holding her in the hospital and I felt like I didn't have a way to share her with others. I had found the song "I Will Carry You" by the group Selah on the blog of singer Todd Smith's wife, Angie ( They had experienced the loss of their daughter, Audrey, two hours after birth. They wrote this song for her. I had been reading about her experience and found comfort in hearing the words of someone who had been where I was at now. The song was perfect for what we were going through. Every word spoke directly to what I was feeling. God had chosen us to carry Madelynn all our lives just as he carries us. So, I decided I was going to get pictures of us holding Madelynn, the picture of her. I had found pictures and created pictures to fit the words. This had become a blessing, a memory that we will have of our angel baby. I was at peace, the regret was gone. We will carry her, forever.

Maybe your reading this and wondering what happened. I want to share that with you and how God has been there and carried us through this. That story will come.

1 comment:

  1. Oh,Denise. My heart aches for you. I hope this blog is a healing experience for you. And thank you for sharing the blessing of Madelynn with us.
