Monday, October 24, 2011

Made by Me Monday!

So I thought I would start sharing what I've been doing with this creative surge.
First off I should share that I have become a wee bit obsessed with thrifting and bargain shopping.
I can't even tell you the excitement that comes from hunting down the red stickers in Target.
So much excitement that I should probably see someone about it or I might just thrift myself into debt!  
(insert extreme exaggeration here)

Anyhow,  I love going to the Salvation Army and Rescued Treasures.
Not too long ago I hit Rescued Treasures on just the right day.
All frames and furniture were 50% off!
I scored that day.  
I came home with two nice size oval mirrors with decorated wood frames for only $10 each.
They are sitting in my living room waiting for their rebirth.
That day I also picked up one of those wood things that have a painting on it.
I had remembered this cool project from Jaime Baeza's blog:
(Jamie, if you're reading this, I love reading your blog and gleaning ideas. You might call me a stalker... )
Really folks, she is so creative and I just love her stuff!

Anyhow, I didn't take a before pic of my bald eagle flying.  
But that bird gave it's life to become the perfect chalkboard for my porch.

Here's what I made:

The verse is special to our family.
It was the license plate on Grandma and Grandpa Diamond's little maroon Honda.
I Th 5:18
I'm pretty sure it was the one verse all us grandkids knew by heart, besides John 3:16.

It's such a fitting verse for this season of thanksgiving.

"Thank God no matter what happens.  
This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live."

and leading into that verse:
"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time;"

Hmmmm, sometimes not so easy to be cheerful or thankful all the time.  
I need to remind myself to have this attitude!

And now I have that reminder every time I walk in my front porch!

Hoping you have a cheerful Tuesday!

Finding the Blessings,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

We had Church Today!

Such a special treat to have Jason's mom, Sharon, join him in leading worship today.  
They played some of those great gospel hymns.
I'll post a video later.  
It was awesome!!

Here's a little something for you this evening:

Hope you had a blessed day!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

So I fibbed a little...or a lot!

I think I ended one of my last posts with something about not waiting so long to post.  
Well, um. yeah, that didn't go so well now did it!  
Does four to five months constitute a long time?  
This summer I embarked on a journey of discovering my passions.  
That kinda of sounds weird!  
I have found that I have a new perspective on life and for my life.  
God continues to guide me through coping with the loss of a baby, and 
He has taught me so much.  
Through this journey I have uncovered a new desire to create and be creative.  
I read things and see things on blogs that other ladies are creating.  
I twist them and tweak them to create something new. 
 I have landed on creating things making rosettes and turning them into jewelry and other things.  I just realized today that they are called ROSEttes. 
See previous post about roses to see how God is working in my life!

Here's a sample of what I'm doing:

I spend my time brainstorming what I can make and how I can start to sell them.  
I received many compliments on the necklaces and people are surprised I made them.  
I'm starting to look at ways are can sell them to supplement my income as I have begun to pray about other opportunities that will allow me to be more available to my husband and kids.
Oh, and reduce the stress level in my life.  

Today I embellished four bags, made one necklace, and two hairclips.  
I started setting up a facebook to get my stuff out there.  
I'll ask you to like it when it's ready :)  
I need to take some good pics of my stuff first.  
My little adventure is going to be called, "Finding the Blessings."  
It's all because of Madelynn that all this has come about.   
I do this in honor of her!  

So, I would say that I promise to post often now, but I don't want to set myself up for failure!

I invite you to join along with me on this journey and 
see what blessings are waiting to be showered upon us!

Until later and with many blessings,