Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Snapshots of Spring Break

One of the perks of being a teacher is being able to have the same vacations as my kids.
This last week I was able to have time to be crafty and time to be mom and time to be with family.

Here are some snapshots off with my phone of my week:

My parents pull their RV over Morro Bay every Spring Break
The kids and I headed over Friday after school got out.
Spent Saturday hanging around Morro Bay, SLO, and Cambria.
Kids got a kick out of visiting Gum Alley in SLO.
Here's their contribution:

We came home Sunday because I was missing Jason.
It's just not the same when we go without him.
Easter Week is like the SuperBowl of Church events.
He was busy.

While Grandma and Grandpa were at the beach we stopped by their house to clean the catbox.
Reminded me of my youth :)
The perk of this job was the visit to Scotty's which is around the corner from the house.
Oh yes, life was how it should be that day:

At the beginning of the week the kids put together eggs of candy to take to the Rescue Mission.
We are teaching them about giving and being a blessing to others.

The weather was so nice during the week that the kids played outside with the neighbors, a lot!
I was able to spend time getting crafty.
I had bought some 5x7 frames from Target.
I decided to embellish them with my infamous rosettes!

I finished another art project to hang above our mantle.
It's our family verse, Romans 8:38-39

I also committed to finish refinishing the dining table I inherited from my parents.
The table belonged to my Grandparents.
The paint was courtesy of a giveaway of Annie Sloan Chalkpaint from Embellish and Restore.
It was tough work figuring out technique and finding out the amount of paint to use.
Here is the finished project:
I wanted the table to have a distressed beachy feel.
The centerpiece came from things around the house.
I have to say that I loved the experience and have a bug for wanting to do more.

On the Saturday before Easter we attended GateWay's Easter Egg Hunt.
They always have drawings for Easter Baskets and Bikes.
I always ask my kids to not put their names in and explain that it was important for visitors to win.
For kids who might not have a bike to win one.
This year they asked to put their names in and Jason said they could.
Well, Nathaniel won a fishing theme basket and Janell won this:

I have to admit that I was so excited for her.
Janell didn't have a bike.
She really wanted to win that bike.
Ironically, it was a bike Jason picked out when they were picking up the bikes.
I explained to her that I really felt God was blessing her for
her faithfulness in helping others earlier in the week.
Needless to say, we had one excited 10 year old girl!
Family bike rides are in our future.

That night Jason received a text about meeting for ice cream.
I said let's do it.
Well, we didn't know that the text went out to our dearest of friends.
We met at Mearle's on Main.
We took over the place.
We fellowshipped together and shared life!

Sunday was a celebration of life!
The resurrection of Jesus.
Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.
After a family BBQ the four of us went to visit Madelynn.
We took her new flowers and a pinwheel.

Yesterday we took Miley to the groomers and just hung out together.

It was a great week.
So many blessings found,

PS:  Follow me on Instagram, @itsneeser

I've linked up here to share my life through phone pics:
life rearranged

I've linked up over here to share the table and crafts:

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you and the fam have been having a great time! You are certainly productive on your time off! Enjoy this last stretch of the school year!

