Thursday, February 2, 2012


Sometimes I like to make lists.
Lists of things to do, things to buy, things to get rid.
There's a thrill is completing something on the list.
A sense of accomplishment that you're one step closer to the finish line.
Getting a to do list to done.

Tonight I want to start a list.
This list has no end.
It is simply a list of things I am thankful for.
A reflection of the big and small things,
all gifts from God.

In 2010, Ann Voskamp wrote a book titled One Thousand Gifts
"A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are!"

I had started reading her blog not long after Madelynn had passed away.
She write the truths of life as a daughter of Christ, a farmer's wife, a mommy, and about God.
And all with such beautiful words and photographs.
You can see for yourself at her blog "Holy Experience"
I so anticipated her book release.
A list of one thousand gifts.
To hear her words as she shared about living fully right where you are.
Of giving thanks to the God who created us.
A dare to record the things in our lives deserving of our thanks.

Please take a moment to visit her blog and learn more about her book and her life.
You will be blessed!

So here my list of thanks begins:

1- that tomorrow is Friday, it seems silly to say, a day closer to the weekend 
of time not divided by work but only focused on family

2- a 10 year old daughter who cleaned her room and unloaded the dishwasher without whining
I told her how nice an evening it was, us all working together

3- my husband who works so hard during the week preparing to lead others into a place of worship,
who has taught me how to let go and worship

4- a comfortable bed to lay down in after a day of nonstop work
teaching, homework, cleaning

5- the desire I have to create things, to make things beautiful

6- the peace that comes with seeking out God's will

7- the boy child who has a quick wit and helps keeps a constant stream of laughter in our house

8- a baby born into Jesus' arms who taught us so much about love and cherishing the moment

9- long hugs that make me feel safe and remind me that all will be okay

10- courage to open up about things one might keep hidden, 
knowing that it is a source of help and comfort to others traveling the same journey

What are you thankful for tonight?

Finding the blessings,

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