I have slacked off on my posting.
I contribute it to needing to recover.
We have passed Madelynn's birthday.
We celebrated.
It was special.
It was special.
Last week and even now, I'm exhausted.
The last three days I've been knocked on my booty by a horrendous allergy headache.
It might also be stress.
You know things like:
house flooding, challenging 4th graders, anxiety to get stuff done, and on and on.
Report cards and conferences are supposed to be next week.
Holy cow!
Holy cow!
How did that creep up on me?
So, I promise to get it together and get my daily themes going again.
I just need some time to recover.
I just need some time to recover.
To rest.
Tonight's thought about Madelynn comes from Nathaniel.
He's reading his bug book on my bed.
He says, "I'm so glad none of us have died.
Well, except Madelynn.
She died.
I wish she was here with us.
On this bed listening to me read.
That would be perfect."
Yes, Nathaniel, that would be perfect!
Finding the Blessings,
Yes Nathaniel~~~~~~That would be perfect~~~~~I understand Sweet Boy~~~~~~ Hugs to you all!