I begin to think about what I'm going to post way before it's time to sit down and blog.
Constantly thinking about what God would have me share.
Seeking to be a place where people laugh, cry, and hopefully take something away for them.
Tonight was one of those constant nights of go, go, and more go.
Jason is at the NAMM show in Anaheim for a couple of days.
So it's momma taking the reins.
Tonight it was a Target run, Nathaniel's basketball practice, home to finish homework, and then baths.
Whew! I am beat. At 6:30 I was wondering if it was too early to go to bed.
I've even thought about moving all my clocks ahead a few hours just to get everyone in bed so I can sleep.
I'm a sleeper!
This will sound so cliche, but tonight I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday.
It means lunch out with my friends.
Although it's a quick 40 minutes, it means the world to us.
So God, if you're listening. I would love for there to not be a rainy day schedule at lunch.
Any other time is just fine!
At 3:00 I put away Kagan, DII, ALS, CST, ELA.
Thirty-two kids go home to their families.
I go home to mine.
I become just mommy.
Or tonight, just mom as Nathaniel asked me if he could call me mom.
Tear. Sniff. Sniff.
I told him I'll always be his mommy.
It means a fun evening knowing we're sleeping in on Saturday.
I do believe the kids have planned a sleepover in my bedroom.
They'll be kicked out of my bed for sure ;)
The weekends are for rest and relaxation.
Just enjoying each other.
Loving each other.
This Friday, enjoy each other.
Cherish the fun times.
Make memories.
Finding the blessings,
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