Well, I've been stewing over what I want to accomplish with this blog. I venture around blogland a lot and pick up such good information. I follow blogs that I can relate to in one way or another. So on our brief vacation to the beach last week I mapped out what I wanted to do with my blog.
So here's my perfect plan (or what I hope I will accomplish):
Mondays are for Madelynn-
a time to share about the loss of a baby, the feelings that accompany that, the ongoing struggles, etc.
Tuesdays- Talking to God
sharing what I'm learning in my quiet times and prayers to God
Wednesday- What I Wish I Wore
Several bloggers take pics of what they wear during the week. They link up with each other so you can go see what gals are wearing. Well, I'm not so sure y'all want to see pics of me. So for now I will post pics of what I wish I wore. Maybe I'll venture out and try some photos. But for now I'll share some of my favorite wannabes that I've tagged on Pinterest.
Thursdays- Give Thanks
Time to share what I'm thankful for
Fridays- Finance/Frugal Friday
I'll share about what we're doing to get our finances in order. Hehehe
Maybe it will about being frugal (shopping for treasures), or things we are doing to get debt under control.
The things we are doing to be good stewards of what we have been blessed with.
The things we are doing to be good stewards of what we have been blessed with.
A working momma's gotta rest sometime.
I hope to use weekends to share things I'm making or working on.
Lord knows I've got plenty of projects I want to do.
I hope you'll hang with me and join me on this journey!
I'm sure there will be laughs and tears.
Goofy pics and sincere pics.
All while I search out what God has for me!
Finding the blessings,
All while I search out what God has for me!
Finding the blessings,
Yay! I will keep checking in on you then. ;-)